Autologous Red Bone Marrow Tissue Engineering Complex Combine with Bouche Decompression and Implant of Hollow Titanium Screws for the Treatment of ANFH 髓芯减压、空心钛钉植入治疗股骨头坏死
Repairing rabbit's radial bone defect by using uncellular tissue engineered complex constructed by autologous red bone marrow wrapped by facial flap with vessels 以带蒂筋膜瓣包裹复合自体红骨髓构建非细胞型组织工程化骨修复兔桡骨缺损
It is suggested that "AAA" bone combined with autogenic red bone marrow may be an ideal material for bone defect repairing. 结论:AAA骨与红骨髓复合物修复骨缺损,其疗效显著,可视为骨缺损修复的理想材料。
Red bone marrow [ prophylactic uses] 红骨髓[供防治疾病用]
Treatment of focal bone defect in postoperative nonunion with autologous red bone marrow injection 自体红骨髓注射治疗骨不连术后局灶性骨缺损
Deep fascia composite autologous red bone marrow transplantation for the treatment of fracture nonunion 自体深筋膜复合自体红骨髓移植治疗骨不连
Experimental study of repairing bone defect with tissue engineered bone seeded with autologous red bone marrow and wrapped by pedicled fascial flap 带蒂筋膜瓣包裹自体红骨髓接种的组织工程骨修复骨缺损的实验研究
Allogeneic bone combined with autologous concentrated red bone marrow graft for treatment of benign bone tumors and tumor-like lesions 同种异体骨材料复合自体浓缩红骨髓移植治疗良性骨肿瘤和瘤样病变
The Clinical Study on Bone Cysts Treated Percutaneous Injecting Tissue-Engineering Complex of Autologous Red Bone Marrow 微创经皮骨穿刺注射自体红骨髓组织工程复合物治疗骨囊肿的临床应用研究
Unilateral external fixation device combined with transplantation of red bone marrow for the treatment of nonunion of the tibia 单侧外固定器与红骨髓移植治疗胫骨骨不连
Secondly, it was designed to investigate if the intraosseous infusion existed influence to the hematopoietic microenviroment of the red bone marrow. 第二方面:骨内输液是否对红骨髓造血微环境有影响。
There are mesenchymal cells in red bone marrow. 由此证明骨髓中含有分化为所有间充质组织的干细胞。
A experimental study on bone induction of hydroxyapatite and red bone marrow 羟基磷灰石人工骨复合红骨髓诱导成骨实验研究
Experimental observation in repairing articular cartilage defects with transplanting autologous red bone marrow 自体红骨髓移植修复关节软骨缺损的实验观察
Experimental study on repairing bone defect with the compound of autogenous periosteal and red bone marrow 自体骨膜细胞及红骨髓经皮注射修复骨缺损的实验研究
There are mesenchymal cells in red bone marrow. Group C, 20 rabbits treated with red marrow; C组20只,饲料中不加补肾密骨片,骨延迟愈合区注入自体红骨髓;
Evaluation on repairing bone defect with autogenous red bone marrow and periosteal pieces 自体红骨髓及骨膜碎片修复骨缺损的评价
But in the group with compound bone of heterogenous inorganic bone and red bone marrow there was new bone formation and remodeling nearly similar to autogenous bone transplantation 12 weeks later. 而复合骨髓的异种无机骨植入后2周即有新骨形成,8周无机骨基本吸收替代完毕,12周髓腔形成、塑形改造,基本相当于自体皮质骨移植的融合速度。
Graft of AAA bone combined with autologous red bone marrow for treatment of bone defects AAA骨与自体红骨髓复合移植治疗骨缺损
Repairing bone defect with periosteal pieces in red bone marrow 红骨髓内植入骨膜碎片修复骨缺损
Autogenous red bone marrow in treatment of old fracture of scaphoid bone 自体红骨髓治疗陈旧性腕舟状骨骨不连
Solitary bone cysts treated by percutaneous intracystic injection of autologous red bone marrow 自体红骨髓经皮囊内注射治疗孤立性骨囊肿
Conclusion: The compound of autogenous periosteal and red bone marrow can induce osteogenesis in the bone defect models of rabbit with higher velocity and better quality. 结论:自体骨膜细胞和红骨髓混合经皮注射到骨缺损内有较强的成骨能力,骨缺损修复快、质量好。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the curative effects of autologous tiny granular bones combined with red bone marrow ( RBM) in bone defects and provide an experimental basis for clinical application of them. 目的:探讨自体微小颗粒骨复合红骨髓治疗骨缺损的效果,为其应用于临床提供实验依据。
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of autogenous red bone marrow in treatment of old fracture of scaphoid bone. 目的评价自体红骨髓治疗陈旧性腕舟状骨骨不连的临床效果。
Objective: To investigate the ability of repairing bone defect with the compound of autogenous periosteal and red bone marrow. 目的:探讨自体骨膜细胞和红骨髓(RBM)混合物修复骨缺损的能力。
OBJECTIVE: To observe the morphological changes of red bone marrow and periosteum allograft and its capability of chondrogenesis after transplantation in rabbits for repair of articular cartilage defects. 目的:观察自体红骨髓-骨膜碎片复合移植修复关节软骨缺损的形态学变化及其成软骨能力。
Several methods of finding the equivalent dose are compared, and the red bone marrow stem cell method is considered to be the best one. 通过对各种不同的归一等效剂量的方法进行比较,认为干细胞法的估算与临床实际最为符合,是一种值得重视的估算等效剂量的方法。
Repair of bone defect with composite graft of heterologous bone matrix gelatin and autologous red bone marrow 异种骨基质明胶复合自体红骨髓治疗骨缺损的实验结果观察
Autologous red bone marrow percutaneous injection had obtained some success in treating clinical bone nonunion and bone defect, but the method of direct injection, had the defect of partly stem cell running off. 自体红骨髓经皮注射在临床治疗骨不连和填充骨缺损等方面已取得一定的成功,但应用直接注入的方法,局部干细胞容易流失,影响了疗效。